Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Let's go ride a Bike!

A couple of weeks ago Dan and I attended the wedding of the Great Bobby Jones.  It was beautiful and we had a good time.  We decided to make a "date" out of it since it was an early afternoon wedding.  Dan made reservations at a restaurant we have been wanting to try and we also planned to see a movie.  One of the funny things about our "short" courtship was that we really didn't have too much time to do classic date things like, Movies.  I think we have only gone to 2 movies together at this point.


On our way to the wedding, we were starving for lunch so we stopped at this little hole in the wall.  Weezys?  It was a cute little diner/bar and had really good food.  We were a bit over dressed... 

Trying to take a picture on "Route 66" is
difficult with a foot height difference
  After the wedding we had some time to kill.... so like any old married couple we headed to Target. 

We had a lovely "fancy" dinner at Andria's where we actually were not overdressed.  I had the scallops and Dan had a steak.  It was a cute little house converted into a restaurant and had excellent food.  It was hard to not be distracted by the older people sitting beside us as there was this one obnoxious woman saying things like, "If my baked potato is not steaming when it comes out i will send it back, you hear?" or after her friend opened her birthday gift, "That is a really nice gift, but you know what is the best gift? my Venetian glass earrings my daughter had flown in from Italy."   Gag!

 After dinner we had some more time to kill before the movie, DIvergent was playing.  So we did what any other old married couple would do... we went to Walmart! :-)
We have been looking for a bike for me since last summer and havent found one that met both of our requirements.  Dan's- a bike that shifted and I was tall enough to actually ride. And Mine- super cute and retro!  We actually found THE BEST BIKE at Walmart that night and to my surprise Dan had the bike rack in the trunk for just such an occasion.  

how else do you exit a store with a bike?

Don't I look adorable?

I am really enjoying my "new ride".  It makes me happy when I see it all bright and cheery.  Last Saturday we took it on our biggest adventure yet... a ride across town to the library! Family bike rides are the best. :-)  

it has ALL THE
teal rims and rainbows!

Thursday, April 10, 2014

So not the best news

High Risk. 

These are scary words that were flung at my face in our last appointment.  

I knew I would probably battle gestational diabetes as I did with Judah but this time I am testing high very early in the pregnancy so they want me to start using insulin to manage instead of diet alone.  The doctor also thinks I actually have Type 2 Diabetes (but I think she is wrong.  I had complete blood work done last year and was perfectly healthy on all accounts.) They also want me to start seeing a High Risk doctor which means longer travel and more tests since little old Greenville is not equipped with such resources.  

So after all of that "news"... we did an ultra sound. 

And let me just tell you that "little lemon" is already the cutest thing ever! She was dancing around like when Judah does the "worm" and waving her hand and even sucking her thumb.  She actually looked like a baby and was so much bigger than our first pictures at 9 weeks. Dan and I were filled with joy at her cute little face.  We know that our God is the great physician and are trusting His hand on this pregnancy and our little baby. 

Please join us in praying for a healthy baby with fully developed functioning heart (really all the parts fully developed and functioning too!) as this is one of the scarier risk factors of diabetic mama. 
14.5 weeks

Note: you might wonder, do they know that they are having a girl?? And the answer is no. We wont know until closer to mid May... but I will call her a "She" until someone tells me different as I am soooooooo wanting a beautiful little girl!!!