Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Happy Father's Day

so i forgot to post this..... which is sad. but pregnancy brain is a real disability people. i forget all the things all the time.

Happy Father's day to all those Dad's and Single mom's putting in the time and making it count!  We had a great time celebrating Dan and Dad Liss.  Dan's sister, Jen, made an excellent meal for us including T-rex sized steaks for the men, summer salad and his mom made cheesecake.  We played a little bocci (spelling?) ball and madlibs enjoying each other's company.

 I didnt get a lot of pictures (sadly) but know that we had a lot of fun!

I did want to give a shout out to the 2 most important "Dad's" in my life.  

My husband, Dan, you are God's gift to Judah and I and have taken on the "dad gig" with all your energy, love, compassion and mad climbing skills.  I know it is a "God thing" that you and Judah have so quickly formed such a solid bond as father and son.  He loves you so much and you connect with him in so many ways.  You make me a better parent and I am so thankful for you.  I pray that you continue to grow closer as we near the turbulent teen years and I am confident that Judah is learning from the best as he grows into a man.  You are, after all, Judah's tangible evidence of God's answer to his prayers and he has not been disappointed!   I am so looking forward to watching you fall in love with your little girl this fall.  She is going to fall so hard for you too!  You have made us a complete family and you work hard to lead us, following after God.  I love you all the ways. 


 My Dad, you have always been a constant in my life.  Even when it was that we were constantly not getting along in those crazy teen years of mine.. you never gave up on me.  You have always expected the best from us and implored us to lean on God for all our needs.  I have watched you and Mom live a God centered life and seen you persevere-- always putting your trust in His plan for your life no matter where it lead.  I cant imagine all of the sacrifices you have made to raise 5 kids on little to no salary but we never wanted for anything.  I love seeing you passionately sharing God's word both in the pulpit or at Ponderosa.  You have the best laugh, especially when you are feeling mischievous.  You are affectionate and you love us most by how in love you are with mom and putting her first-- that's where it starts!  I love you so much!!    

Genesis 18:19 – “For I have chosen him, so that he will direct his children and his household after him to keep the way of the LORD by doing what is right and just, so that the LORD will bring about for Abraham what he has promised him.”(NIV)