Dearest Family and Friends,
We have been prayerful and hopeful to be bringing this EXCELLENT GOOD NEWS. We will be welcoming Baby Liss into the family somewhere around October 2, 2014. YIPEE!!!
(I'll pause right there for the initial screams and possibly some tears if you are a Leibbrand.)
This past weekend was really fun as we were finally feeling pretty confident (having reached 11 weeks!) and able to share our joy with our parents and Judah. We first coordinated a Google video chat with my parents who are in Florida visiting Grandma Leibbrand. We had limited technology and even more limited "know how" as the average age of this group was approx 60 years old. Thanks to AUNT JO (the youngest of the group) they were able to figure out how to use the app "Hangouts" on their phone. It was really fun talking to them using this format as they all tried to crowd around 1 single device. I didn't take a picture, but it looked something like this.... (sorry I don't have Jeanette animation skills)
Poor Grandma's neck probably hurt after holding it to the side that long. It was fun sharing the news but not the same as being able to hug each other (especially my mama!) but I am glad we got to see their faces. Judah found out at the same time we told the Florida bunch so they could witness his reaction as well. He was very excited and had a ton of suggestions from the get go such as it should be a Boy and we should name him Luke Skywalker. We will take that under consideration... but I am hoping and praying for a Girl!! Right now we are calling her, "lil lemon" since that is about her size at the moment. Judah now gives me a hug and also a small hug for "Our Lil' Lemon". I am so glad he already loves his new sibling and is looking forward to being a big brother. He is going to make this process all the more special.
On Saturday, we celebrated Dan's mom for her birthday. His sister, Jen, made a 4 star meal and I brought dessert. We put a little message in her card that read,
"We got you a gift but wont arrive until October..." with a snap shot of the sonogram.
This was at 9 weeks when she was a lil peanut (with a GIANT head)
She has Dan's brains i guess. :-) |
It took her a minute, but then she started to tear up and passed the card around so Jen and Dan's dad could join in the celebration. I was afraid it wouldn't be much of a surprise. Judah had spent the night over there on Friday and I asked him the next morning, "Did you tell them?" (we had sworn him to secrecy) and he said "No." I said, "Did you give them a hint?" "No, I told them they were in for a big surprise!" close.
We are so excited as we are now approaching the 2nd trimester. So far, I am pretty nauseous most mornings and the nearest bathroom at work is across the entire call center. That has been a fun mad dash while still trying to look professional, smile, and try to avoid talking to anyone for fear of barfing in their face. Dan is doing a great job taking care of me and reading up on pregnancy. It is great to have him as a partner in this and we are really enjoying this journey together.
More to come! but i promise this blog wont become a giant pregnancy update...
But let all who take refuge in you rejoice;
let them sing joyful praises forever.
Spread your protection over them,
that all who love your name may be filled with joy.
For you bless the godly, O Lord;
you surround them with your shield of love.
Psalm 5:11-12