Monday, March 24, 2014

Judah turns 10 and other achievements

I am one proud mama! Judah is 10 years old and really rocking in 3rd grade.  He has done well in every subject and worked very hard in areas that do not come as easy to him. 

Spelling and Math are his hardest subjects and he has put in the extra time to raise his grades.  I nearly cried when we received his most recent report card (above)-- as you can see his extra effort is paying off.  
He went from a C- to a B+ in Spelling!!!  That was work let me tell you.  I did have a good mom moment with Judah when I figured out that having him make flash cards out of his spelling words was the way for him to really get the words. His homework is always to write them 3 times each which just becomes a blur for him.  After struggling with him one night to pass a practice test, I suggested he make flash cards.  He was skeptical and made the tiniest flashcards known to man... but by the morning he had all those words down and you could see his confidence growing.  When he brought home a B the next week he was pretty proud! 
 I have learned that he may not always be the best at everything and that its OK that he is not on the advanced spelling list.  He works hard and is flying through books which 2 years ago was a tear filled process to get through a reading assignment.  I am learning the balance between pushing him to do his best and not expecting perfection.  Dan has helped a lot in this area.  He is a natural teacher and gets excited about the new things Judah learns and figures out on his own (especially when it comes to Math).  He is extra patient but firm to help keep Judah accountable.  

I see the evidence that two parents is the ideal situation for Judah since we both have different strengths and relate to him in different ways.  I am also relieved to not have the sole responsibility for ALL THE THINGS!  Having a partner to love, nurture, and check homework folders with your child is so awesome.     

This was his invent a new transportation project-- note the last line. He's not just smart..Funny too!
Even as Judah continues to grow, I still remind him that he will always be my baby.... 

bath time/doing dishes? 

Monday, March 17, 2014

Lil Lemon

Dearest Family and Friends, 

We have been prayerful and hopeful to be bringing this EXCELLENT GOOD NEWS.  We will be welcoming Baby Liss into the family somewhere around October 2, 2014. YIPEE!!!  

(I'll pause right there for the initial screams and possibly some tears if you are a Leibbrand.)

This past weekend was really fun as we were finally feeling pretty confident (having reached 11 weeks!) and able to share our joy with our parents and Judah.  We first coordinated a Google video chat with my parents who are in Florida visiting Grandma Leibbrand.  We had limited technology and even more limited "know how" as the average age of this group was approx 60 years old.  Thanks to AUNT JO (the youngest of the group) they were able to figure out how to use the app "Hangouts" on their phone.  It was really fun talking to them using this format as they all tried to crowd around 1 single device.  I didn't take a picture, but it looked something like this.... (sorry I don't have Jeanette animation skills) 

Poor Grandma's neck probably hurt after holding it to the side that long.  It was fun sharing the news but not the same as being able to hug each other (especially my mama!) but I am glad we got to see their faces.  Judah found out at the same time we told the Florida bunch so they could witness his reaction as well.  He was very excited and had a ton of suggestions from the get go such as it should be a Boy and we should name him Luke Skywalker.  We will take that under consideration... but I am hoping and praying for a Girl!! Right now we are calling her, "lil lemon" since that is about her size at the moment. Judah now gives me a hug and also a small hug for "Our Lil' Lemon".  I am so glad he already loves his new sibling and is looking forward to being a big brother.  He is going to make this process all the more special. 

On Saturday, we celebrated Dan's mom for her birthday.  His sister, Jen, made a 4 star meal and I brought dessert.  We put a little message in her card that read, 

"We got you a gift but wont arrive until October..." with a snap shot of the sonogram.

This was at 9 weeks when she was a lil peanut (with a GIANT head)
She has Dan's brains i guess. :-)

It took her a minute, but then she started to tear up and passed the card around so Jen and Dan's dad could join in the celebration.  I was afraid it wouldn't be much of a surprise. Judah had spent the night over there on Friday and I asked him the next morning, "Did you tell them?" (we had sworn him to secrecy) and he said "No." I said, "Did you give them a hint?"  "No, I told them they were in for a big surprise!" close.  

We are so excited as we are now approaching the 2nd trimester.  So far, I am pretty nauseous most mornings and the nearest bathroom at work is across the entire call center. That has been a fun mad dash while still trying to look professional, smile, and try to avoid talking to anyone for fear of barfing in their face.  Dan is doing a great job taking care of me and reading up on pregnancy.  It is great to have him as a partner in this and we are really enjoying this journey together.  

More to come!  but i promise this blog wont become a giant pregnancy update...

But let all who take refuge in you rejoice;
    let them sing joyful praises forever.
Spread your protection over them,
    that all who love your name may be filled with joy.
For you bless the godly, O Lord;
    you surround them with your shield of love.
Psalm 5:11-12

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

A ridiculous love story.

random facts:
2 Friends
a small group 
3 months of dating
3 month engagement
13 inches separate us in height

I met Dan in the fall of 2010.  I had just moved to the middle of nowhere with my 6 year old son, Judah.  Just the two of us. That fall I started going to a small group that met in the living room of a couple named, the Maurers.  I didn't know the Maurers or anyone else for that matter, but showed up anyways.  The group was made up of the "uncategorized" young adults. The people that didn't fit into, "young married" or "college students".  I guess they could have just named us the "young, single and awkward" which would have been quite accurate.  This mismatched group of YSAs (young, single and awkward) was a strange bunch that included a recently released felon, formerly gay poet, a college professor, professional Christians, new Christians, unemployed, and overworked. We did find common ground quite quickly though- Jesus. That small group in the Maurer's living room became my family away from home.  We broke down barriers, shared each other's burdens and loved each other - scars and all.  I learned so much through that group and was challenged by each person and their faith, journey and testimony.  
some of my (our) small group peeps

I always thought Dan was cute, but never thought he would be up to the challenge of instant Dad. Not many people would, lets be honest.  We slowly became friends but mostly in groups.  In the following winter, I realized Dan was a pretty awesome guy which you can read about here in a comical post I wrote at the time.  In the fall of 2011, I really started to notice what Dan was all about and was attracted to his honesty and how he always spoke such truth in our small group--saying things others might not be willing to say and boldly trusting the Lord.  I figured it out before Dan did, that he was the one.  So one day I spontaneously stopped by his house to tell him so.  He opened the door and I said, "HI! are you busy?" and he said, "Yep." quite abruptly.  I could see behind him in his living room were a bunch of teenage boys (his mentor group - called dgroup).  Some might at least ask, "is there anything I can do for you, or I'm busy at the moment but can i catch up with you later?" Not Dan.  He just stared at me and I nervously laughed and said, "OK BYE." and ran away as he slammed the door in my face.  I really do believe that was an act of God.  I mean he didn't slam the door in my face, it was one of the hinged screen doors that are prone to slamming, but it certainly felt that way.  But God knew what was up. Had i stood on that doorstep telling Dan that I thought we were meant to be together (in front of his dgroup, no less), it would not have ended well.  Dan was not there yet.  We barely were even friends outside of small group.  So I patiently anxiously in agony waited.

Now lets fast forward to April of 2012 after we had started hanging out more one on one being "accountability partners" and digging deeper into The Word.  We usually hung out on Friday nights after work and cooked dinner together.  One night, after he had left and I had gone to bed, I get a call. Its Dan and he sounds kind of serious and asks if he can come over.  I hop out of bed, throw on a hoodie and my glasses (hair already thrown in a high bun for sleeping purposes) and answer the door.  I am all kinds of nervous afraid that he has bad news, not to mention, there is a cute boy in my house and I look ready-for-bed hideous.  He sits down on the other side of the long couch and tries to make small talk like nothing is up.  He hasn't even looked at me yet and I start to prepare for the worst.  As soon as he gets up the courage, I am expecting him to say something like, "hey, I've noticed you have a thing for me, but i don't feel the same way and i don't want to hurt our friendship, blah blah blah."  I have been a professional friend of boys i like that never like me back for sometime-- I know the drill.  So I say, "Dan, what did you come here to say?" And he says, "I am attracted to you."  and I'm like, "come again?" And then he proceeds to awkwardly tell me how he has developed feelings for me and needs me to know.  At this point I haven't looked up and am just not sure I can believe my ears!  He likes me? is "attracted" to me??  I finally brave it and tell him that I feel the same way and we both look up with a sigh of relief and then all i can remember is giggling like a school girl.  He got up to leave shortly after that (it was late after all and he is a gentleman!) and gave me an awkward handshake/hug.  

That is basically the start of us. We never "just casually dated".  From that moment we were so focused on figuring out if this was for real and if we were the right match for each other.  We asked each other the tough questions early, shared our deepest thoughts and concerns, and really just fell fast in love as we kept learning just how perfect we were for each other.  So 3 months later Dan asked me to marry him and I was so sure when I said yes that 3 months after that when we were saying, I do, I knew this would be the start of my happy ever after.  Thank you God for blessing me and Judah with this man who adores us and is everything we prayed for.... You are a mighty and wonderful God.   

 For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. Jeremiah 29:11