Monday, March 24, 2014

Judah turns 10 and other achievements

I am one proud mama! Judah is 10 years old and really rocking in 3rd grade.  He has done well in every subject and worked very hard in areas that do not come as easy to him. 

Spelling and Math are his hardest subjects and he has put in the extra time to raise his grades.  I nearly cried when we received his most recent report card (above)-- as you can see his extra effort is paying off.  
He went from a C- to a B+ in Spelling!!!  That was work let me tell you.  I did have a good mom moment with Judah when I figured out that having him make flash cards out of his spelling words was the way for him to really get the words. His homework is always to write them 3 times each which just becomes a blur for him.  After struggling with him one night to pass a practice test, I suggested he make flash cards.  He was skeptical and made the tiniest flashcards known to man... but by the morning he had all those words down and you could see his confidence growing.  When he brought home a B the next week he was pretty proud! 
 I have learned that he may not always be the best at everything and that its OK that he is not on the advanced spelling list.  He works hard and is flying through books which 2 years ago was a tear filled process to get through a reading assignment.  I am learning the balance between pushing him to do his best and not expecting perfection.  Dan has helped a lot in this area.  He is a natural teacher and gets excited about the new things Judah learns and figures out on his own (especially when it comes to Math).  He is extra patient but firm to help keep Judah accountable.  

I see the evidence that two parents is the ideal situation for Judah since we both have different strengths and relate to him in different ways.  I am also relieved to not have the sole responsibility for ALL THE THINGS!  Having a partner to love, nurture, and check homework folders with your child is so awesome.     

This was his invent a new transportation project-- note the last line. He's not just smart..Funny too!
Even as Judah continues to grow, I still remind him that he will always be my baby.... 

bath time/doing dishes? 


  1. Katrina, I am laughing and then crying and then laughing again! I love my Judah-bug! It is so great to see him doing well in school. I love that Dan compliments you and your parenting of Judah. Love the Liss family!

  2. Wow, I love these words, you had me laughing and crying too. It is awesome to see how much he has grown up over these past years. Wait until he get's to be that awesome BIG BROTHER!!!! Boys are truly the best and God knew what he was doing giving you him first and then meeting that great husband who is just as fantastic as you are. Love you dearly!!
